Originality often means being first and Battlefield Sports' heritage of revolutionizing laser tag goes back 20 years. In 1999, Peter and Nicole Lander were living in the tropics, they loved being outdoors and playing role-playing games. Both also love video games.
Peter had previously played paintball and traditional indoor laser tag. He thought there had to be a better way to experience the thrill of a video game, as a live-action role-play or LARP.
Look at what the requirement differences are between purchasing and hiring, look at what freighting systems can deal with, freighting there and back and incorporate multiple payment gateways.
Incorporate a shopping cart that can flag the difference between a product that can be purchased or hired, build a system that can have multiple products that can be packaged together as one product, add in payment and freight API to look after freight and payment transactions. As part of the shopping cart, extend stock control to cover grouped products and hire-able products.
Achieved all goals set in the brief.